Our Story Line
In the Beginning of the Blockverse… “Wait, no! Nooo—” cried The Spirit. “Please, it’s so dark and lonely here. Come back! Satoshio! Bit—” the door slams shut. Silence. “Are you really leaving me here? You can’t do this! You won’t make it without me!” Silence falls once again as The Spirit’s cry echoes into the darkness all around her. She quickly realizes she - is - forsaken. “Please come up, to receive your award Dr. Micalgo,” says the presenter of the award. Dr. Micalgo nervously goes up to the stage. Oh, this experience never loses it’s ability to bring butterflies to my stomach.” The crowd chuckles at this joke. Dr. Micalgo continues, “I have been working in this field, for what feels like over a lifetime. I like to joke that it’s my oldest child. Forgive me Al,” Dr. Micalgo says as he smiles and takes a pause and deep breath. “Uhm, my son Al has always kept me abreast of climate change and the impact…it is having on our Earth…” the room goes quiet. Everyone understands the gravity of speaking out against pollution – it’s a public denouncing of the blockgangs. Meanwhile, in the blackness of space, where there was once a ‘tiny blue rock,’ appears to be a white and lime green marbled ball. It is still Earth, but it is covered in a haze of toxic fumes. The state of the global atmosphere is on the brink of being irreparable, and everyone knows that one of the main contributors to the pollution is coming from the fumes created by blockgangs that are somehow seeping out from the metaverse into Earth. There are scientists and environmentalists working hard to come up with ways to save the planet. It is 2019, and a meek and sincere man by the name of Dr. Micalgo eagerly awaits to be presented with one of the highest honors in his field: The Nobel Prize for his work in the field of Computer Science. “It’s a tough crowd, and I feel…out of place.” Dr. Micalgo whispers to his eldest son Al. Al, works as an environmentalist at FutureFi, THE leading company devoted to repairing the Earth. “Dad! C’mon, you act like this every time you get an award. With YOUR trophy room, you deserve to be here just as much as these other pretentious geniuses” says Al with a chuckle and nudge to his dad. “Besides they’re gonna go nuts when you reveal your theory on—” before Al can finish his sentence, erupts shouts, cheers, and applause. Rarely does anyone dare speak out against, in relation to, or about anything related to the dealing of blockgangs. Yet, somehow, on the way to the ceremony, Al convinced his father to do so. “

Al stands up and breaks the silence in support of his father, “keep going dad!” Dr. Micalgo smiles. Al then notices the presenter walking slowly towards his father as he says something in his earpiece. It’s looking like he’s going to brush him of the stage. Al begins to walk towards the stage quickly, yet inconspicuously. “Thank you, son.” Dr. Micalgo clears his throat to start again and speaks with confidence. “I believe, our planet can be saved. I would like to announce that I have created—." Kaboom!

During his speech, there is an explosion and in bursts Etherio, and his NAGMIs (not all gonna make it). “….Al….” whispers Dr. Micalgo to his son, as their bodies lay broken and bruised on the ground. Etherio, who purposely came for Dr. Micalgo hears him, picks him up, and holds Dr. Micalgo in one of his massive hands. Dr. Micalgo used whatever strength he had to press a button on his watch and slip it off. It fell near where Al’s body lay. A distress alert immediately reached his lab. Etherio leaves with the doctor.